


June 19, 2018 / By EWF

LASIMM reaches its midterm

The LASIMM partners gathered for the project consortium meeting and the interim review meeting, which took place during April 10th and 12th. The consortium was delighted to welcome the participation of European Commission representatives.

Cranfield University (UK) hosted the meetings. On the meeting agenda was also a visit to Global Robots, one of the partners responsible for the creation of the Additive part of LASIMM, where all the partners and the EC had a chance to see part of the hardware that ultimately will be used to deposit the feedstock used to fabricate the parts.

The meeting was an excellent opportunity for the entire LASIMM partnership and for the European Commission representative to appreciate for the first time some of the elements that have been developed over the last year and a half.

If you are interested in becoming part of the commercial application of the project's results, please contact us.

LASIMM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. H2020–FoF-2016-723600 — LASIMM.