LASIMM Project presented to the industry community
The EWF 25th anniversary, which consisted of one week with several conferences and meetings to debate on the future of European Industry, also hosted the conference European Strategic Approach on Additive Manufacturing. During the conference, which brought together representatives leading industry, policymakers, researchers and experts, Eurico Assunção, Deputy Director of EWF and Coordinator of LASIMM presented the project. In his presentation, not only the explanation of the project’s core concepts was bestowed, but also the future steps and milestones that the consortium hopes to achieve.
The event generated an excellent occasion to interact with experts on complementary topics. More than 150 participants had the opportunity to contribute, ask questions, interact and to visit the posters exhibition, with posters of research and development projects and vocational education and training educational projects organised by EWF, as well as the additive manufacturing poster exploitation, organised by AM-Motion.
This conference also served the purpose of disseminating the project to the European industrial community and comparing its goals and the fulfilment of market needs with other projects on the same subject.
LASIMM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. H2020–FoF-2016-723600 — LASIMM.